Festivals In Temple

Daddathreya Jayanthi
Daddathreya Jayanthi

Lord Dattatreya is very powerful deity having the combined aspects of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Dattatreya Jayanti is observed on Purnima day of the Margashirsha month.Rituals on this day bestow all aspects of life, protect individuals from ancestral problems and allow a prosperous life. Also, on Da...

Sundarasai Dharsan Day
Sundarasai Dharsan Day

Athal Thottam Shirdi Sai Baba Temple is one of the largest temple for Shirdi Sai Baba inTirupur District. It was consecrated in Veerapandi , Tirupur on 28-06-2023 (Wednesday) and was graced by the presence of numerous spiritual leaders and visitors from different parts of Tamil Nadu.Every Year 28th ...

Vinayagar | Ganesh Chaturthi
Vinayagar | Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi, one of the most-loved festivals in India, is replete with divinity, celebrations, and flamboyance. It is a festival that cuts across all religions, castes, and creeds. Think Ganesh Chaturthi, and the beautiful idol of Lord Ganesh comes to mind - the excitement, the crowds, the arom...

Vijayadasami | Punyathiti
Vijayadasami | Punyathiti

Vijayadashami in celebrated throughout India, under different names and with regional variations, as the victory of good over evil. For Sai devotees, it is venerated as the holy day that their beloved Gurudeva(Saibaba) attained mahasamadhi (also known as Punyatithi) and is a big festival in temple.B...

Sree Guru Poornima
Sree Guru Poornima

Guru PurnimaGuru Purnima (“Purnima means full-moon”) is the one which disciples and devotees honour and felicitate their guru and seek his or her special blessing. Although it is of great importance in temple, perhaps because it is the only festival which Baba asked us to celebrate.The festival orig...

Sree Ram Navami
Sree Ram Navami

In 1897, Gopalrao Gund proposed holding in Urus as in expression of his gratitude to Baba for having been granted the birth of a son after many childless years. Baba gave HIS permission for the celebration and fixed the day for Ramnavami.This was an ingenious touch of Baba’s. Urus is a Muslim festiv...

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